For BCRSP to evaluate your education, a credential evaluation report will be needed. Visit for a list of agencies that perform this service. Please note BCRSP will require the original report to be sent directly from the agency.
As your post-secondary eduation was not primarily in OHS, submission of evidence of technical development is required. All 5 of the domains of practice (based on the 2024 CRST Examination Blueprint) should be covered and should total a minimum of 40 hours of technical development. Courses should be a structured learning activity and a minimum of 1 hour in length.
For more information on this requirement visit:
Please review the eligilibility criteria at:
Please review the eligibility criteria at:
Please review the information on eligibility and the application process.
As your post-secondary education was not primarily in OHS, submission of evidence of professional development is required. The Qualifications Review Committee (QRC) is expecting evidence of completion of professional development activities that span at all 6 categories from the CRSP Examination Blueprint and accumulate to a minimum of 100 hours.
Please review the eligibility criteria at:
Please review the eligibility criteria at: and also review the criteria for the CRST certification
Please review the eligibility criteria at: and also review the criteria for the CRST certification
Please review the application for further details.
Click here for a link to the Candidate Handbook page
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