Les programmes d’études qui sont admissibles aux certifications PSAC® ou TSAC®

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Lorsqu’un programme ne figure pas dans la liste, veuillez contacter le CCPSA pour savoir s’il est admissible avant de présenter une demande de certification. 

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Les directeurs de programme en SST souhaitant faire examiner leur programme par le CCPSA afin d’en déterminer l’admissibilité aux certifications sont priés d’écrire à info@bcrsp.ca.

Institution Eligibility Programs Notes
Academy Canada CRSP

Program is Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

Algonquin College CRST
Anderson College CRSP

Program is Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

British Columbia Institute of Technology CRSP

Programs are Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

British Columbia Institute of Technology CRST

BCIT has two pathways for students to meet the academic requirements to be eligible to apply for the CRST certification. They can complete the
•    Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety or,
•    Associate Certificate in Foundations of Occupational Health and Safety.

Cambrian College CRSP

Program is Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

Canadore College CRST
Cape Breton University CRSP

Programs are Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

CEGEP de Saint-Laurent CRSP

Program is Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

CEGEP de Sorel-Tracy CRSP

Program is Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

Centennial College CRST
College of the North Atlantic CRSP

Applicants must have graduated with a university degree OR a minimum of a two-year college diploma from an institution recognized by College of the North Atlantic.

College of the North Atlantic CRSP
Safety Engineering Technology (Post Diploma)

This program is currently not being offered.

The College of the North Atlantic, Safety Engineering Technology (Post Diploma) program, completed after a 3-year diploma from a recognized college/or a degree form a recognized University. This full-time, classroom, [co-op option] program qualifies for the CRSP eligibility criteria after July 1, 2018. An applicant will be required to submit both transcripts (3-year diploma & post-diploma).

Columbia Southern University CRSP

Programs are Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

Conestoga College CRST
Dalhousie University CRST
Certificate Program in Occupational Health & Safety Management

Program is no longer offered.

Ecole de Technologie Supérieure, Université du Québec CRSP

Program is Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

Fanshawe College CRST
Fleming College CRST
Herzing College CRSP

Program is Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

Holland College CRSP
Occupational Health & Safety Technology Certificate

This program is no longer offered.

Humber Polytechnic CRSP
Humber Polytechnic CRST
Occupational Health and Safety Certificate

Program not currently offered.


Program is Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

Keyin College CRSP

Program is Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

Lambton College CRST
Lambton College CRSP

Programs are Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

Langara College CRSP

Program is Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

Marine Institute at Memorial University CRSP

Program is Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

Maritime Environmental Training Institute CRST
Maritime Environmental Training Institute CRSP
McGill University CRSP

Program  is Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

Memorial University CRSP
Mohawk College CRST
Niagara College CRST
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology CRST
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology CRSP

Program is Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

Nova Scotia Community College CRSP

Program is Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

Okanagan College CRST
Red River College CRSP

Eligibility applies to students enrolled after October 2017 (new program). 

Program is Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic CRSP

For graduates after July 1, 2017. Effective July 1st, 2017 they are only offering a 906 hr program which qualifies for eligibility purposes.

Program is Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

Sault College CRST
Seneca College CRST
Seneca College CRSP

Program is Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

Sheridan College CRST
Simon Fraser University CRST
Occupational Safety and Health Certificate
OHS Diploma

Program no longer offered in this format.

Toronto Metropolitan University CRSP

Programs are Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

For the Toronto Metropolitan University certificate route, all 3 certificates must be completed for eligibility to be granted. Individual certificate links are :

Certificate in OHS
Advanced Safety Management Certificate
OHS Leadership Certificate

Toronto Metropolitan University CRST
University of Alberta CRSP

CRSP Pathway: The University of Alberta (UofA) has mapped out a CRSP Eligibility Pathway. UofA students who wish to obtain the necessary educational prerequisites for eligibility for the CRSP designation will now be able to combine the UofA's OHS Certificate and the UofA's Professional Diploma in OHS designed to qualify for the CRSP eligibility criteria after July 1, 2018.

Program combination is Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

University of Alberta CRST
University of British Columbia CRSP

Program is Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

University of Calgary CRST
University of Calgary CRSP

The University of Calgary has developed stackable certificates that upon completion of all, are equivalent to 60 credits and are therefore eligible for the CRSP certification.

Program combination is Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

University of Fredericton CRST
University of Fredericton CRSP

The University of Fredericton (UFred) has mapped out a CRSP Eligibility Pathway for those individuals completing the CHSEP/SHEM or COHSES/SHEM certificate/diploma. UFred students who wish to obtain the necessary educational prerequisites for eligibility for the CRSP designation will be able to combine the UFred Certificate (CHSEP or COHSES) and the Diploma in Safety, Health and Environmental Management (SHEM) allowing the combined programs to reach the BCRSP standard for academic eligibility. (for courses taken after September 1, 2017).

Program combination is Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

University of Montreal CRSP

Programs are Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

University of Montreal CRST
University of New Brunswick CRSP

The University of New Brunswick has mapped a CRSP Eligibility Pathway that is a combination of the COHS/DOHS (for courses taken after October 1, 2017). 

For more information contact the University of New Brunswick at customerservice@unb.ca or call 1-888-259-4222. Program links: 

The combined program is Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

University of New Brunswick CRST
University of Northern British Columbia CRST
University of Toronto CRSP

Program is Pathway C - CRST eligible for graduates not already working a minimum of 12 months in OHS if you apply within 12 months of graduation. If you are already working in OHS, and applying for the CRST, you should utilize pathway A.

University of Victoria CRSP

University of Victoria's EOH certificate, completed after a university degree would qualify. An applicant will be required to submit both transcripts (degree & certificate program) UVic EOH Post-Graduate Certificate.

University of Victoria CRST
Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue CRST
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières CRST
Université de Sherbrooke CRST
Western University CRSP

Western University's Diploma in OHS Management, completed after a university degree qualifies for the CRSP application. An applicant will be required to submit both transcripts (degree & diploma program).