BCRSP 50th Anniversary Call for Speakers
Call for Speakers
The BCRSP 50th Anniversary Conference is taking place May 10-12, 2026, in Niagara Falls, Ontario.
We are seeking presentations that...
Discover CRSP Cecilia Campbell
What is the most misunderstood aspect of your job? The most misunderstood aspect of my job as a safety professional is the dynamic nature of the...
Discover CRSP Chris Borzecki
What is the most misunderstood aspect of your job? When I first started in occupational health and safety, a long time ago, someone in the workplace...
Discover CRSP Paula Campkin
What is the most misunderstood aspect of your job? Some people do not understand that health and safety is a profession. Many see safety as part of...
Discover CRSP Tammy Hawkins
What is the most misunderstood aspect of your job? The still commonly held but mistaken belief that safety practitioners and professionals are ‘cops’...
Discover CRSP Drew Douglas
What is the most misunderstood aspect of your job? I think that the cliché is that Safety professionals only do workplace inspections and accident...
Discover CRSP Shannon Bolger
What is the most misunderstood aspect of your job? Some people assume that safety is easy and that anyone can do it. Being a safety consultant and a...
INSHPO and The Singapore Accord
The Importance of the INSHPO OHS Capability Framework and the Singapore Accord A significant step toward safer and healthier workplaces was taken on...
An Interview with new CRSP Britton Cowman, QA/QC Safety Specialist, Prevention, Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board
When did you decide you wanted a career in occupational health and safety? I always dreamed of being a doctor and helping others. Having a career in...
An Interview with new CRSP Wendy Tobin, Global Workplace Safety Resource, Safety, Health and Environmental Management, DuPont
When did you decide you wanted a career in occupational health and safety? The safety culture at DuPont was so interesting and engaging, that shortly...
In My Own Words - Candice Burton, B.Sc. CRSP, CIH, ROH
I am a descendant of miners. Family and friends have succumbed to occupational illness from the mines. My father has been knocked unconscious with...
Value of CRSP Certification - Infographic
Value of Certification Infographic
In My Own Words - Chad Schwabe, CRSP
There was a point in my career as a Field Safety Coordinator where I did not ever think I would obtain "any" post secondary education relating to my...
In My Own Words - Pravin Bhatnagar, Ph.D., CRSP, CHSC
I have been asked a number of times how and why I got into health and safety and left academics. I tell them, it was a combination of “the need of the...
In My Own Words - Dale Shafer, MBA, CRSP
I obtained a CRSP designation in 2006 to learn more about safety and health management, and to challenge myself on a personal and professional level...
In My Own Words - Geoff Neville, B.B.A, SET, CRSP
I have been working as a safety professional since 2012 and I have to say, I have enjoyed every second of it. I worked for almost 5 years at Bull Arm...