Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Program

Continuous Professional Development Program

All individuals certified by the Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals are required to adhere to the mandatory Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Program (formerly called the Certification Maintenance Program (CMP)). This program ensures that certificants keep pace with changes affecting professional OHS practice. 

CPD Submissions

Certificants can use the "MY CPD Portfolio" found in the BCRSP profile for tracking and submission of CPD activities. If you have added all your CPD activities and have met the requirement for your cycle, you will be able to submit them on the main page of your account.

Mandatory Ethics Course Requirement

Every BCRSP certificant is expected to practice ethical behavior to the best of their abilities. Every certificant commits to do this by adhering to the BCRSP Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct. In addition, each certificant is required to complete at least 2 hours of ethics training during each CPD cycle. 

In order to assist training providers develop courses acceptable to BCRSP, an Ethics Program and Provider Standard has been developed (see below). Course providers must submit their course for approval by the BCRSP on the Ethics Program and Provider Standard Application Form (see below) along with the specified documentation.

List of Approved Ethics Course Providers

Updated as of December 16 2024

BCRSP Ethics Course Providers
ProviderContactFormatWebsiteApproval Date
Alberta Construction Safety Association - Communications & Ethics for the Safety LeaderContactClassroom or OnlineWebsiteMarch 23 2021
Buildforce Canada -  Construction Industry EthicsContactOnlineWebsiteSept 27 2023
Integrity Consulting ServicesContactOnlineWebsiteMarch 23 2021
Lambton CollegeContactOnlineWebsiteMarch 6 2020
My Safety Prep, Ethics for Safety ProfessionalsContactOnlineWebsiteNovember 2 2023
New Wave OH&S Services - Ethics for the OHS ProfessionalStewart SampsonClassroom or OnlineWebsiteApril 7 2020
New Wave OH&S Services - Conflict of Interest for ProfessionalsStewart SampsonClassroom or OnlineWebsiteAugust 21 2024
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology - Safety EthicsContactOnlineWebsiteMay 6 2024
North American Learning Institute - Workplace Ethics Training 2 Hour ClassContactOnlineWebsiteOctober 13 2021
Tatonga Consulting - Ethics for the Safety ProfessionalContactOnlineWebsiteAugust 15 2023
Telos TrainingContactOnlineWebsiteJuly 29 2021
University of Alberta Faculty of Extension, EXOS 4643 Ethics and Professional PracticeContactClassroom or OnlineWebsiteJanuary 27 2021
University of Calgary, ADL 213 Ethics for Professional PracticeContactOnlineWebsiteMay 27 2021
University of Fredericton, EMBA 7025 Governance, Strategy & StructureContactOnlineWebsiteJune 15 2022
University of Fredericton, OHS 135 Law and EthicsContactOnlineWebsiteOctober 16 2024
University of New Brunswick OHS 4000 Ethics for OHS ProfessionalsContactOnlineWebsiteDecember 16 2024





If you hold the CIH certification, we will accept the course you used for your CIH ethics requirement as equivalent.

If you hold the CPHR certification, we will accept the CPHR approved course you used for your CPHR ethics requirement as equivalent.

Guidance for CPD Providers

Event Providers or Sponsors are not obligated to communicate the CM credit for an educational event. However, doing so makes the event more attractive to certificants. Providers should communicate their events in terms of technical contact hours or CEUs (BCRSP recommends using the IACET system). BCRSP suggests the language below for event communication purposes.

Event Providers must not imply that BCRSP has approved or endorsed an event. 

Previously awarded CM credit by BCRSP Hours Known? IACET Accredited Provider Suggested Language
No Yes No This event contains XX technical hours and may be eligible for BCRSP CPD points. See the BCRSP website at for CPD point criteria
------ No No This event may be eligible for BCRSP CPD points. See the BCRSP web site at for CPD criteria
Yes Yes No BCRSP has previously awarded CPD points for this event. The current contains XX technical hours and may be eligible for BCRSP CPD points. See the BCRSP web site at for CPD point criteria.
  Yes Yes ORG Name is an accredited IACET Provider, this event contains xx technical hours and is eligible for BCRSP CPD points. 

BCRSP uses the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) Continuing Education Unit (CEU) standard.

This standard equates 1 CEU to 10 contact/learning hours.

This change will make it simpler to calculate hours, and simplifies the point claim for shorter courses whereby a 4-hour course is equivalent of .4 CEUs, an 8 hour course is .8 CEUs, etc.)

Includes but is not limited to presentations, lectures, break outs, Q&A, exams, event overview, event recaps, and discussions.

Excludes the non-technical portions: e.g., generic welcome speeches, participant introductions, breaks, meals, networking, exhibitor time, roundtables or discussions with unspecified topics, social tours.