BCRSP 50th Anniversary Call for Speakers
Call for Speakers
The BCRSP 50th Anniversary Conference is taking place May 10-12, 2026, in Niagara Falls, Ontario.
We are seeking presentations that...
An Investment in Your Profession and the Future of BCRSP Certifications
At the June 2023 meeting of the Governing Board, the Board approved an annual fee increase commencing with the 2024 renewal period. The fees starting...
Outgoing Chair’s Message
I began volunteering with the BCRSP in 2013 as an internal auditor. In 2017 I became Chair of the Internal Audit Committee and a Governor of the BCRSP...
Chair's Message Summer 2023
I would like to thank Robin Angel and the outgoing Board of Governors for their dedication and commitment to the BCRSP and our strategic goals. I am...
Certificant Insights - Linda Fieldsend, CRSP Shares Pathway to Certification
Linda Fieldsend recently obtained her CRSP certification. This video interview covers highlights of her career in safety, and her journey to obtaining...
55 OHS Technicians Awarded CRST® Certification
The Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals (BCRSP) is pleased to announce 55 individuals were awarded the Canadian Registered Safety...
Seneca College Field Placement Request
Seneca College has a Workplace Safety and Prevention (WSP) program. WSP is a two-year diploma program developed to meet the growing needs of industry...
Chair's Message Spring 2023
Dear Certificants, I hope you are all in good health and high spirits as we get closer to the warm weather coming our way. I have gathered together...
102 OHS Professionals Receive the CRSP Certification
The Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals (BCRSP) is pleased to announce 102 occupational health and safety (OHS) professionals have...
Certificant Insights - Fred Carlson, CRSP Celebrates Milestone
CRSP Fred Carlson celebrated a 35 year milestone with the City of Winnipeg earlier this year, and has held his CRSP certification since 1985. The...
BCRSP Musings - #EmbraceEquity
#EmbraceEquity Contribution by Shannon Bolger, CRSP We’re coming up to International Women’s Day on March 8th, and this year their theme is...
In My Own Words - Bufford Ang, CRSP
I decided to pursue the BCRSP certification as it is in my opinion that it is the most respected safety certification to have globally. There are...
BCRSP Musings - Inclusion Can Impact Performance
Inclusion Can Impact Performance Contribution by Lee-Anne Lyon Bartley, BASc, CRSP, CP-FS Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is not a new concept...
BCRSP Musings - Safety Systems Need Diverse Voices to be their Best
Safety Systems Need Diverse Voices to be their Best Contribution by Dr. I. David Daniels, CSD, VPS Black History in Canada Before Mathieu Da Costa’s...
In My Own Words - Sarah Frank, CRSP
In 2014 while at the University of Alberta and completing my Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety. This is where a professor asked us who was...
66 OHS Professionals Receive the CRSP® Certification
66 OHS Professionals Receive the CRSP® Certification The Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals (BCRSP) is pleased to announce 66...