
In My Own Words - Jerry Traer, CRSP, CHSC

It is hard to believe that it has been almost twenty years since I attained my Canadian Registered Safety Professional designation. When I think back...

In Memoriam - Ken Wilkes CRSP #76-061

Kenneth G. Wilkes, CRSP It is with sadness that we advise certificants that Kenneth G. Wilkes, CRSP, passed away peacefully on April 2, 2020 at...

In My Own Words - Patrick Devlin, CRSP

When did you decide you wanted a career in occupational health and safety? Upon recovery from a rather severe fall in 1988, it was the old fashion way...

In My Own Words - Karoly Ban Matei, CRSP

15 years ago, after immigrating to Canada, I discovered that as a newcomer my background and experience were hardly relatable to the reality of my new...

An Interview With New CRSP Jennifer Speer

When did you decide you wanted a career in occupational health and safety? My undergrad and masters are both environmentally-focused, but as I started...

In My Own Words - Dinshaw Jamshedji, CRSP

I remember the day when I decided to be a CRSP. It was on January 04, 2011 when I received a confirmation to immigrate to Canada from the Canadian...