BCRSP 50th Anniversary Call for Speakers
Call for Speakers
The BCRSP 50th Anniversary Conference is taking place May 10-12, 2026, in Niagara Falls, Ontario.
We are seeking presentations that...
In My Own Words - Scott Halling, CRSP
My story begins exactly 8 years ago in late May of 2012. I had just finished up a year and a half contract in the private security industry for a...
80 OHS Professionals Receive the CRSP® Certification
The Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals (BCRSP) is pleased to announce 80 occupational health and safety (OHS) professionals have...
In Memoriam - Ken Wilkes CRSP #76-061
Kenneth G. Wilkes, CRSP It is with sadness that we advise certificants that Kenneth G. Wilkes, CRSP, passed away peacefully on April 2, 2020 at...
In My Own Words - Patrick Devlin, CRSP
When did you decide you wanted a career in occupational health and safety? Upon recovery from a rather severe fall in 1988, it was the old fashion way...
In My Own Words - Karoly Ban Matei, CRSP
15 years ago, after immigrating to Canada, I discovered that as a newcomer my background and experience were hardly relatable to the reality of my new...
Steps for Life: Walking for Families of Workplace Tragedy
When Donna Van Bruggen laces up her shoes to walk in Steps for Life, her reasons are both intensely personal, and universal. Donna’s son, David, was...
Safety Organisations Raising the Bar on Ethical Practice
In 2018 the Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals (BCRSP) and the Australian Institute of Health & Safety (AIHS) launched a joint project...
166 OHS Professionals Receive the CRSP® Certification
Mississauga, ON – January 24 2020 – The Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals (BCRSP) is pleased to announce 166 occupational health and...
In My Own Words - Chester Tuck, CRSP, CHSC
When I became a safety officer, I learned of a highly valued designation called the CRSP. When I started looking into the process and requirements, it...
BCRSP Signs Partnership Agreement with WOHSS
Mississauga, ON – November 28 2019 — On November 27, 2019, the Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals (BCRSP) signed a partnership...
2019 Salary Survey
The 2019 CRSP Salary Survey published by the Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals (BCRSP) reveals that 90.3% of respondents are satisfied...
In My Own Words - Tracy Carnegie, CRSP
In 2010, I was in the midst of a professional crisis – I was highly educated and unemployed in the animation industry. I had moved back to my home...
BCRSP Developing the Canadian Registered Safety Technician (CRST) Certification
MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO – July 20, 2017 - The Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals (BCRSP) Governing Board has approved the Canadian...
34 OHS Practitioners Awarded Canadian Registered Safety Technician (CRST) Certification
Mississauga, ON – October 7, 2019 – The Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals (BCRSP) held the second writing of the Canadian Registered...
2019 Volunteer of the Year Graham Nelson, CRSP Recognized at the CSSE PDC, Winnipeg Manitoba
Mississauga, ON – September 17 2019 — The Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals (BCRSP) is pleased to announce Graham Nelson, Occupational...