This is part of a series of articles that are being published throughout 2016 in commemoration of the BCRSP’s 40th Anniversary Celebration, 1976-2016
40 years is a milestone to be recognized, and in doing so we are taking the time to cast our view back to 1976. We wonder what the Founding Board would have envisioned the future of the then ACRSP to be back in 1976. From our initial incorporation to today we celebrate the milestones and achievements we have reached.
This timeline is filled with inspiring stories, illuminating images and interesting details that chronicle the history and values of the BCRSP. What a rich history we have!
**Click on the photos to enlarge**
Industry Canada issues Letters Patent on February 10, 1976. |
First CRSP designation issued to William O.G. Wellington (76-001CM.) Mr. Wellington was also the first Chair of the Association for Canadian Registered Safety Professionals’ (ACRSP) Board of Governors from 1976-78. |
Mandatory examination introduced. |
CRSP logo registered with Consumer and Corporate Affairs Canada as a registered trademark January 24, 1986. |
The first issue of Governor’s Table is published. |
Industry Canada issues Supplementary Letters Patent on March 9, 1998, amending the objects of the ACRSP. |
First survey on the Competencies Required of Certified Safety Professionals in Canada is completed. |
BCRSP is granted accreditation by standards Council of Canada to ISO/IEC 17024:2003 (Personnel Certification Body). |
BCRSP contracts with Acclaim for digital badging for the CRSP certification. |
BCRSP launches promotional videos which highlight the value and the importance of CRSPs within the workplace. |
40th Anniversary Event scheduled for Vancouver, British ColumbiaSeptember 20-21, 2016 |
If you would like to view all of the milestones BCRSP has documented, a PDF is available here. What are your thoughts/ memories? Share them in the comments below.